When the officials don’t care or are turning a blind eye and the media are not interested, the average citizen can feel a bit powerless in the face of injustice and corruption at the state level. One often wonders what one do do? In the age of the blogger it turns out one can do […]
Entries Tagged as 'US Politics'
Bush’s Legacy
January 16th, 2009 42 Comments
I am always slightly disturbed when I encounter Bush-haters amongst my friends. Disturbed not because it surprises me that Bush-hater exist but because my friends are otherwise smart, informed, thinking people who have a healthy degree of scepticism towards the left-wing, anti-conservative values of the media and hollywood; I just don’t get how they can […]
Tags: George Bush · Iraq · US Politics · War Ethics
More on Iraq and the Just War Theory
October 11th, 2007 11 Comments
A little while ago I posted up some thoughts I had about the war in Iraq. These thoughts did not come in a vacuum. At the time of the invasion I read several books on the morality of war. At the time of compiling this article had just read James Turner Johnson’s works on the […]
Tags: George Bush · Iraq · Saddam Hussein · US Politics · War Ethics