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Entries Tagged as 'The God Delusion'

Dawkin’s dilemma: How not to answer the question “Why Be Moral?”

January 21st, 2021 Comments Off on Dawkin’s dilemma: How not to answer the question “Why Be Moral?”

In his bestselling book, the God Delusion, Richard Dawkin’s responds to the question: “If there is no God, Why be good?” Posed like that, the question sounds positively ignoble. When a religious person puts it to me in this way (and many of them do), my immediate temptation is to issue the following challenge: ‘Do you really mean […]

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Contra Mundum: Richard Dawkins and Open Mindedness

May 6th, 2010 146 Comments

The bold statement “Richard Dawkins opens minds” leaped out at me from the newsletter sitting on the University of Auckland’s Law Library counter. The article went on to sing the praises of Richard Dawkins and mentioned his book The God Delusion. On reading the piece one could be forgiven for concluding that Dawkins’ works are […]

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