When the officials don’t care or are turning a blind eye and the media are not interested, the average citizen can feel a bit powerless in the face of injustice and corruption at the state level. One often wonders what one do do? In the age of the blogger it turns out one can do […]
Entries Tagged as 'Planned Parenthood'
Genocide ! Who Cares? Tell them about crazy Falwell and Tinky Winky
March 2nd, 2008 1 Comment
A few years ago I heard with amusement the NZ media report that Jerry Falwell had condemned Tinky Winky from the Teletubbies as gay. A little while latter I came across an article in First Things pointing out that the sources of these reports were mistaken. I was not a fan of Falwell but whatever […]
Tags: Abortion · Eugenics · Family Planning · Feticide · Gerry Falwell · Homosexual Conduct · Media · Planned Parenthood · Urban Myths