Socialism is an easy disease to catch. Labour roll out their election bribe for students and our daughter Sheridan (Sherry) gets excited. She starts Uni in March and at that point will have to quit her part-time job as the hours will conflict with her studies. For a 16 year old she earns a fair […]
Entries Tagged as 'Personal Responsibility'
Election Lollies: Labour Vote Buys with Student Allowance
October 16th, 2008 Comments Off on Election Lollies: Labour Vote Buys with Student Allowance
Tags: Elections · Personal Responsibility · Student Debt
That Is Soooo Unfair
September 13th, 2007 1 Comment
Frequently when my six year old son tries to take something from his siblings, something that belongs to them and he has not asked for, he attempts to justify his actions with the phrase “but I want it” said in an annoying whiny, loud, self-pitying tone. An important part of moral education is to teach […]
Tags: Moral Discourse · Personal Responsibility · Role of the State · Statist Mindset
Violence is NOT a Disease.
August 7th, 2007 Comments Off on Violence is NOT a Disease.
I am so sick of listening to everyone’s two cents of the causes of violence in our families, in our communities, sick of it because they are complicating the simple and putting band aids on broken legs. Responsibility for ones actions – that is what is missing in this ‘whats the cause of violence’ blather. […]
Tags: Domestic Violence · Personal Responsibility · Public Policy
Poor Drivers to be Above the Law
December 28th, 2006 1 Comment
If you can’t pay for your traffic fines you will soon be able to drive at speeds like those that Helen travels at when she is late for rugby games with no fear for your wallet. Yep folks the government’s latest socialist policy is that those who cannot afford to pay their traffic fines should […]
Fireworks Remain Un-Banned
December 24th, 2006 Comments Off on Fireworks Remain Un-Banned
The guy fawkes just past started out rather uneventful for us, we did out fireworks thing then came inside and watched some movie on TV – I forget what now. A bit before 11pm our 11 year old son began shrieking something unintelligible and ran downstairs – we finally worked out he was yelling “Fire!” […]
Tags: Fires · Fireworks · Personal Responsibility