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Entries Tagged as 'Little p philosophy'

Self-Reference and Little-p philosophy

July 30th, 2008 3 Comments

I am a closet “ego surfari” (to coin one of Maverick Philosopher’s phrases); I enter my name into Google to see where my name comes up and what people are writing about me. It is an old hang up that goes back to my student politics days at the University of Waikato when Matt and […]

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Don’t Apologise for Your Opinion

December 27th, 2006 Comments Off on Don’t Apologise for Your Opinion

I get so frustrated whether it is in the company of others, on email lists or participating in blog and debate board debates when I see someone present their case, their reasons for holding the position they do, how they think their position defeats objections and then they throw in “its just my opinion.” Its […]

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