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Entries Tagged as 'Helen Clark'

"Miss" Helen Clark confirmed as Head of United Nations Development Programme

March 27th, 2009 8 Comments

The NZ Herald reported this morning that a “Miss” Helen Clark has been confirmed as the new head of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Apparently the Herald didn’t read the EU protocols banning the use of “sexist” titles, apparently ‘Dame’ and ‘Lady’ remain non-sexist but ‘Miss’ most certainly is not. The Herald refer to […]


Sanctions and Siege Warfare

December 14th, 2006 6 Comments

I believe that a state has the right to wage war only to defend those living with in its boarders from attack. A state’s authority to use coercion to uphold justice is limited to its borders. Just as a state has no right to prosecute a person for committing a crime committed outside NZ or to make laws regulating peoples behaviour beyond its shores, it has no duty to defend people in other countries.

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