One of the most destructive carnards concreted into the mind of greenism and environmentalism is the proposition that natural resources are fixed, finite, and limited. Once gone, they are gone forever. Therefore, conservation of said resources is a moral imperative. Statists warm to this proposition reflexively, that is, without thinking. To conserve on a grand […]
Entries Tagged as 'Greens'
More Swamps than Christchurch: The Liquefaction of the Left
April 10th, 2011 11 Comments
Tags: Enviro Myths · Greens · Statist Mindset
Another Reason to not Vote Green
June 6th, 2008 Comments Off on Another Reason to not Vote Green
I clearly have been spending to much time at Auckland Uni. The other day I was walking from one of Madeleine’s Law lectures. (I have been taping lectures and note taking for her while she has been injured) when a sign caught my eye. It stated “ I only date those who vote green” Now […]
Tags: Bad Reasoning · Greens
Greens, Tasers and Torture
November 29th, 2007 3 Comments
Watching the news the other night, I heard how some UN body had declared that the use of tasers constituted torture. (At least that is how it was reported). Predictably the Green party cited this as a for rejecting the use of Tasers.The implicit argument here seems to go something like this. [1] The use […]
More Reasons to not Vote Green: Population Control gets a Global Warming Twist
October 18th, 2008 4 Comments
The blogosphere is abuzz with the Greens new Family Policy which “proposes setting a level of population New Zealand could sustain and leaving room within that for climate change refugees from Pacific Islands. They also want parents educated about the impacts of population growth when they are planning their family size and how far apart […]
Tags: Bad Policy · Bad Reasoning · Eugenics · Greens · Urban Myths