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Entries Tagged as 'Fallacy Friday'

Fallacy Friday: What is an Argument?

January 21st, 2011 45 Comments

When I was doing my PhD at the University of Otago, Madeleine and I would try to save up for a “date night” once a fortnight.  Often we would go to the movies. On more than one occasion we would stand in the theatre and look at various options. Madeleine would suggest we see one […]


Fallacy Fridays

January 21st, 2011 5 Comments

Over the past few years I have occasionally been asked by para-church, church and home-schooling groups to put together a critical thinking or “mini logic” course, with a focus on fallacy spotting, and teach it to their youth. I have done this from time to time and have often found as many adults in attendance as youth; […]
