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Entries Tagged as 'David Benson Pope'

Not Madeleine Setchell

July 30th, 2007 2 Comments

I wish to clarify that I am not Madeleine Setchell. My maiden name is Richards. Apparently, after I commented on kiwiblog the other day under my usual posting name which is simply ‘Madeleine’ a lot of people jumped to the conclusion that I must be the Madeleine in the story. Whilst there have been instances […]

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Benson-Pope – Lousy Staff or Just a Liar?

July 29th, 2007 3 Comments

Here is a list of the instances I can recall where Benson-Pope has blamed one of his staff members for something he did: Leaked content of Police Report over Tennis Ball saga – staff member leaked it without his knowledge. (Later turned out it was with his permissison/instruction) Having the police collect a $35 cleaning […]



July 27th, 2007 1 Comment

Benson-Pope is someone that the more closely you observe him the more his slimy, smarmy, bullying, bullet-dodging just pisses you off. Until recently I used to live in Dunedin so I have had a few encounters with Mr Benson-Pope a.k.a. panty slut boy and have crossed swords with him politically and know other people who […]

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Consenting Adults and Privacy

December 1st, 2006 2 Comments

Now I ask you, if the Minister of CYFS had done what Miewes did would that call into question his fitness to be in office? If you answer yes then clearly you do not actually believe that what consenting adults do in privacy with others who have consented is actually the be all and end all in sexual morality. Nor do you believe that what people do in private is irrelevent to the public.

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