If someone Stumbles your blog it can bring a lot of traffic to your site so it is a good idea to make it easier for visitors to your site to Stumble it. But have you ever tried to add a StumbleUpon button to your Blogger template only to find that the instructions are impossible […]
Entries Tagged as 'Cross-Post'
How to Insert StumbleUpon into your Blogger Footer
May 30th, 2009 6 Comments
Tags: Cross-Post · StumbleUpon · Tech-Tips
Cross-Posting Warning
February 19th, 2009 4 Comments
I am now occasionally posting over at Coping in a Technological World so just a warning there may be some cross-posting occurring going forward though I will refrain this time. It is a great blog, full of all sorts of useful tips, so check it out sometime.
Tags: Cross-Post · Tech-Tips