Given that it is Christmas day we thought we would post Mary’s Magnificat, Mary’s response to learning she would bear a child, Jesus. The passage is so called because in the Latin Bible in verse 47 of Luke 1 (Luke 1:46-55) it begins with the words magnificat animum mea dominum, which means, “My soul magnifies […]
Entries Tagged as 'Christmas'
Merry Christmas: Mary’s Magnificat
December 25th, 2009 2 Comments
Tags: Christmas · Mary’s Magnificat
Merry Christmas
December 25th, 2008 Comments Off on Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone 🙂
Tags: Christmas
Christmas stockings and kids who won’t sleep!
December 25th, 2006 1 Comment
Just now Matt brought out youngest child, age 5, down to the office. As they approached I could hear that he was sobbing and hysterical and Matt was laughing which I thought odd until I saw him. Each of the kids have oversized, home made Christmas stockings – a stupid idea I came up with […]
Christmas was never about religion til recently….
December 30th, 2006 Comments Off on Christmas was never about religion til recently….
I thought it was one of those urban legends, you know when you keep hearing something that sounds so ridiculous it can’t possibly be true. I am speaking of the reports I have heard about people phoning into talkback shows or strangers overheard making comments to the effect that religious people are trying to take […]
Tags: Christmas · Historical Ignorance · Religion in Public Life · Religious History