22 February 2011 “may well be New Zealand’s darkest day”; these were the words of Prime Minister John Key in the aftermath of the earthquake which devastated the South Island’s largest city Christchurch. The death toll is expected to be over 200, many more have been injured, have lost property and now live in fear […]
Entries Tagged as 'Christchurch Earthquake'
Contra Mundum: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
April 4th, 2011 29 Comments
Tags: Alvin Plantinga · Christchurch Earthquake · Daniel Howard-Snyder · Problem of Evil
Video of John Lennox “Why? Considering the Goodness and Sovereignty of God in the Midst of Suffering”
March 8th, 2011 1 Comment
On 27 February 2011, John Lennox spoke at Howick Baptist Church as part of his tour of New Zealand on the topic “Why? Considering the Goodness and Sovereignty of God in the Midst of Suffering”. Here is the video of that talk. In it Lennox discusses some of the challenges to Christianity that events like the Christchurch earthquake […]
Tags: Christchurch Earthquake · Howick Baptist Church · John Lennox · Problem of Evil
Hearing the Voice of God: Tragedy and its Aftershocks
February 28th, 2011 25 Comments
The “big one” has hit Christchurch. Few in the entire country will be untouched or unaffected, since we in New Zealand are a little village. To a man each will have relatives, friends, colleagues and mates in Christchurch. In that sense it is a national disaster. The meaning and significance of such disasters are always […]
Tags: Christchurch Earthquake
Prayers for the victims of the Christchurch Earthquake
February 22nd, 2011 9 Comments
We are devastated for our countrymen who were struck by a very shallow, yet very destructive, 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand this afternoon. While it may have been smaller than September’s 7.1 magnitude earthquake, all reports show that this one was far worse in terms of its violence and impact. Today many people have […]
Tags: Christchurch Earthquake
Christchurch Earthquake
September 4th, 2010 62 Comments
Matt and I have been getting a lot of emails, facebook messages, etc from our overseas friends in the wake of what appears to be international news that there has been a large 7.1 magnitude (it has been downgraded from the earlier score of 7.4) earthquake in New Zealand – 40 km west of Christchurch […]
Tags: Christchurch Earthquake
Aslan is Not a Tame Lion: The Christchurch Earthquake Beyond Our Questions
April 16th, 2011 14 Comments
In the aftermath of the second Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand, “official” Christian spokesmen were exercised to assure people that God, the Living God, had nothing to do with earthquakes. They defalcated. Their theodicy was that their god was absent. In the face of likely outrage, church officials revealed that they worship, in fact, the […]
Tags: Aslan · Chris Trotter · Christchurch Earthquake · Problem of Evil