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Entries Tagged as 'Charity'

Guest Post: Does Tax Exemption for Churches Directly Cost Taxpayers?

April 17th, 2010 152 Comments

Bethyada of True Paradigm offers us this guest post. I find it interesting because I wrote some thoughts about the New Zealand Association of Rationalist Humanist’s position on the issue of religious trusts having tax exemption in Equality or Hegemony: NZARH and Religious Trusts back in 2008. There I pointed out that humanist trusts that […]

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The Myth of Left Wing Moral Superiority

November 14th, 2008 2 Comments

Irish Bill at The Standard writes: One of the things I like about being left wing is how often the best moral decision is also the best economic decision. Take economic stimulus for example. In a recession it’s the most vulnerable such as beneficiaries, low paid workers and youth that are hit worst because they […]

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Equality or Hegemony: NZARH and Religious Trusts

February 16th, 2008 4 Comments

Generally I am not a fan of Post Modern ways of thinking; frequently what I see propagated under that banner is irrational and incoherent but made to look profound through the use of sophisticated sounding intellectualised language. However, one idea often touted as “post modern” I find plausible, at least in some contexts. This is […]

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Real Charity is Voluntary

December 2nd, 2006 3 Comments

A friend recently e-mailed me a link to this article. It points out that religious conservatives give more money to charities that assist the poor than liberals do. If the data is correct, it highlights an issue I came to realise several years ago. Consider two situations (a) and (b). In (a) my neighbour is […]
