This is part of a talk I gave at the Rethinking Hell Conference in Auckland earlier this year. Evangelical Annihilationist’s such as John Stott, Edward Fudge, John Wenham, and various others challenge the traditional view that hell is a place of eternal conscious torment. They contend that biblical language such as “eternal fire,” “eternal destruction,” “death,” […]
Entries Tagged as 'Annihilationism'
Annihilationism and the Infinity of Hell: Bawulski and the Disproportionality Argument
January 5th, 2018 10 Comments
Tags: Annihilationism · Hell · Shawn Bawulski
Shawn Bawulski and the Problem of Hell: Part One
April 26th, 2014 4 Comments
The traditional conception of hell understands the punishment of the finally impenitent to be conscious eternal torment. The punishment of hell is eternal in the sense of it being of unending duration and it involves conscious torment. Annihilationists, on the other hand, argue the traditional view is contrary to scripture. They contend that, in scripture, the […]
Tags: Annihilationism · Apologetics · Hell · Philosophical Theology · Shawn Bawulski · Systematic theology