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Support Received to Date

We would like to thank the following people and organisations who have gifted tangible items to support us:

Practical Items

MandM Site Hosting & IT Support
Geoff Gummer of churchWEB and GuruToo, NZ

IBM ThinkPad Lap Tops x 2
Wireless Internet Router

Manawatu Christian Apologetics Society, NZ
Wellington Christian Apologetics Society, NZ
Thinking Matters, NZ
Thinking Matters Tauranga, NZ

Microphone for Skype/Live Feeds
Thinking Matters Tauranga, NZ

Webcam for Skype/Live Feeds
Jason Clark, NZ

Webcam with built in Microphone for Skype/Live Feeds
Baby Florelle (NZ) Ltd, NZ

Microsoft Office
Anonymous, NZ

Microsoft Office x 2
Geoff Gummer of churchWEB and GuruToo, NZ

Editing Support
Check-it-4u, NZ


Kenneth Kitchen On the Reliability of the Old Testament
Rodney Stark For the Glory of God
Jeffrey Satinover Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth
Summit Ministries, US

John Loftus Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity
Dean Mischewski, NZ

Digital Library of Historical Apologetics (a small sample here)
Tim McGrew, US


Anonymous, NZ – ACC
Anonymous, NZ
Steve Taylor, NZ – ACC
Anonymous, NZ
Thinking Matters, NZ – EPS Membership
MacDoctor, NZ
Anonymous, NZ – Atlanta
Paul D Adams, NZ – Atlanta
Steve Taylor
, NZ – ETS Tickets
Anonymous, NZ –  ACC
Phillipa Morgan, NZ – Atlanta
Anonymous, NZ – Atlanta
Confident Christianity, NZ – Atlanta
Anonymous, US
Anonymous, NZ – Atlanta
Anonymous, US
Alvin Dee, CA – Atlanta
Jason Clark, NZ
Guy Lavender, UK
Anonymous, NZ
Anonymous, NZ – Atlanta
Machine Philosophy, US – 2011 US Trip
Anonymous, Aus – 2011 US Trip
Anonymous, UK – 2011 US Trip
Anonymous, Aus – 2011 US Trio
Andrew Gray, Aus
Anonymous, Bahrain – 2011 US Trip
Anonymous, Scotland – Edinburgh – 2011 US Trip
Michael Bauman, US – 2011 US Trio
Onyx, NZ – 2011 US Trip

If we have omitted you please put it down to human error (not lack of appreciation) and email us a gentle reminder to add your contribution to this page even if you prefer to be anonymous.

Again, many thanks to the above people and organisations

– Matt and Madeleine.