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Hear Iain Provan on Why Should we Read the Old Testament, and How?

June 11th, 2011 by Madeleine

Compass Foundation and Regent College are hosting Iain Provan at an event in Auckland next month entitled ‘Why Should we Read the Old Testament, and How?’ Here is the info from their blurb:

Iain ProvanWhy read the Old Testament? What relevance could this old collection of books have for us today? And how should we read it? How do we approach this text from a very different time and culture?

Iain will be exploring these questions, drawing on his many years of teaching, study and wrestling with these ancient texts. He will give special attention to the book of Jonah as an example of why we should read the Old Testament and how we should do it.

When: Monday 4 July, 7pm to 9pm
Where: Greenlane Christian Centre, 17 Marewa Road, Greenlane, Auckland

Iain Provan is Marshall Sheppard Professor of Biblical Studies at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada. He is an accomplished Biblical scholar, writer of numerous books and articles, including commentaries on Lamentations, 1 and 2 Kings, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, as well as co-author of A Biblical History of Israel. Iain is an ordained minister of the Church of Scotland and was born and educated in the UK. He has taught at universities in England, Wales, Scotland, and most recently Canada.

More info on how to rsvp for catering purposesCompass or on Facebook. To see Iain Provan’s other New Zealand events see his upcoming speaking engagements page.

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