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OblivionFall“OblivionFall” is the alias held by MandM’s eldest son, Christian Flannagan.

Christian is currently completing NCEA Level 2 and is a Confirmed member of Massey Presbyterian Church. He has inherited his parents interest in Philosophy of Religion; initially this was picked up by familial osmosis but in the past year he has begun to read work from the likes of philosophers and theologians such as Glenn Peoples, William Lane Craig and Matthew Flannagan. He is also heavily into their Podcasts: the Beretta-Cast at Beretta-Online, Defenders at Reasonable Faith and MandM’s Fallacy Friday produced by Apologetics 315. Christian also enjoys listening to and watching debates – recent favourites have been Sam Harris v William Lane CraigAlvin Plantinga v Daniel Dennett, Ray Bradley v Matthew Flannagan. He enjoys attending Thinking Matters and TANSAA (Theology and the Natural Sciences in Aotearoa Auckland) events.

Christian also has strong interests in Mathematical Theory and Physics but his intended vocation is Animation. His interest began as a hobby in April 2006 when he was introduced to a simple and easy to use free animation program called Pivot Stick Figure Animator.

Christian began to take animation seriously once he was introduced to some of the online animation communities and he saw the ground-breaking levels to which some of these people had taken this simple animation program to. Christian assumed the handle PivotMasterCF to begin with but after his YouTube account was hacked he renamed himself OblivionFall and joined the largest online community for Pivot Animation,

In his first few months of sharing his animations there he was ranked ‘Beginner’ along with the majority of members – only a few members go on to be ranked as Intermediate, Veteran or Elite. But he worked hard at improving and by January 2011 he earned the rank ‘Elite’, a title that less than 10 people actively hold. His animations have earned praise from members of the Animation industry including an animator at Weta Workship. He has now begun working towards mastering the industry standard programs with a view to his becoming a professional animator.