On the eve of my hearing tomorrow [finally!] against the Accident Compensation Corporation (“ACC”) this appeared in today’s New Zealand Herald:
“An Auckland man has won his battle against ACC after a court found its specialist diagnosed degeneration without having looked at an MRI scan of the injury.”
Guess who the specialist was? The SAME one who did the SAME thing to ME: Mr Brian Otto. Déjà vu much?
Roll on tomorrow. Please pray for justice to prevail. I’ll update with the results as soon as I have them, which is unlikely to be tomorrow and more likely to be within 28 days.
I lost. The reasoning in the judgment is poor and does not follow. In my opinion the law was poorly applied. The hearing was issued by a tribunal run by ACC. A recent legislative change now sees these tribunals run independently but my case was heard prior to this coming into effect.
Because the tribunal felt that my appeal was brought on a good faith basis I was awarded some costs and my law firm, John Miller Law, have generously written off their costs (aren’t they awesome!) so this round did not cost me the $4,000 I expected it to, it only cost me $850 in the end.
So, because of the surprise my lawyers expressed at losing, coupled with my own surprise – both of us being fully aware of the facts, evidence and the law along with the knowledge we were not before an arbitrator who was independent and, in my opinion, said arbitrator was deficit in her legal reasoning, combined with the fact we have been generously donated $2,500 towards fighting ACC and have only spent $850 of it and because of the principles at stake and, finally, because of the raft of people being treated the same way – wrongfully being deemed to have degenerative pre-existing conditions following injuries sustained by accidents – who lack the means to fight ACC, I have instructed my lawyer to file an appeal in the very independent District Court. When I get a court date I will let you all know!
If you want to donate to the ACC war fund, I am warned the court costs could rise to $8,000 – I have thus far paid $1850 towards the appeal – please use the Pay Pal widget in the side bar and tag the donation something to do with ACC or refer to our Support page.
Tags: ACC · Brian Otto · Car Accident10 Comments
Hope it all goes your way. And if you lose hopefully you`ll get Martin Beattie, he’s overturned lots of ACC review decisions – I really hope you don’t have to go there, though.
I am in two minds – if this goes to court I’ll get to make a lot more noise for the people who’ve been treated the same way but lack my ability to sue. On the other hand if I win tomorrow it is over and that would be awesome. Living with a 20% paycut was hard enough post-accident but the 70% paycut we’ve been on since ACC dirtily axed me has been torture.
It will go how it will go – all I know is I won’t stop til I win.
I seriously think we should consider having Brian Otto struck off the register. There are so many wrong diagnosis that he has made which goes against any medical profession. In terms of wrong diagnosis it would be interesting to collate just how many ACC claimants we are talking about
@ Madeleine
I won’t pray for you because you don’t need it.
If your legal case is good enough (and it reads like it is) then you’ll with by your own efforts.
I’d like to see a class action being brought against ACC as I am confident there is a lot of us – those suing are the tip of the ice-burg.
Roll on 11 am.
Praying for you Madeleine…
The hearing went ok. We each said our piece, my lawyer argued well. Now we have to wait for the judgement.
According to the NZ Herald ACC win 65% of these hearings – given they are internal that is not surprising. But a strong case, argued well has a shot and that is what we are hoping we pulled off.
It feels good to have it behind us.
Good luck!
Thinking of you. I know you’ll keep us posted.
It’s been a long road and I suspect it’s not over for you yet.
Best to you – hope it does not take too long…