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Hear Matt Speak on Divine Command Theory @ Auckland Uni

January 17th, 2011 by Madeleine

The Auckland Reason and Science Society have invited Matt to speak on Divine Command Theory at an upcoming meeting:

What: Divine Command Theory with Dr Matthew Flannagan
Date: Friday 4 February 2011  
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Auckland University – Room to be advised

From the Facebook event page:

Reason and Science Society

“Venturing back into ethics and the philosophy of religion, we will discuss the topic of Divine Command Theory (DCT), which holds that ethics is grounded in God’s commands or will. This time we’ll be having a guest speaker, Dr. Matthew Flannagan, a Christian philosopher and blogger with expertise in theology and ethics. If you’re not familiar with the topic a little pre-reading could be helpful.”

The event is open to the public but please do RSVP on Facebook (if you have a Facebook account).

Some of Matt’s blog posts on Divine Command Theory.

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