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Christian Blog Ranking Report for May 09 – Tumeke

July 11th, 2009 by Madeleine

Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on Tumeke’s NZ blog stats for May; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for May 09:
  1. MandM 35

Top 10 Tumeke. name of blog Tumeke rank

Of Note:

  • No change in the number 1 spot – well done NZ Conservative!
  • Welcome to the top 10 Being Frank and Sustain:If:Able Kiwi.
  • The top 8 are all in the top 50 blogs in New Zealand – when we first began running this report only 2-3 Christian blogs ever featured in the top 50 so well done everyone!
  • Christian News New Zealand, Samuel Dennis, Kiwi Polemicist, Star Studded Super Step all made the top 100 despite being outside the top 10.

Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that openly identify as Christian blogs on Tumeke’s ranking descriptions. If you think your blog should be included contact Tim Selwyn of Tumeke and ask him to change your blog description to include something identifiably Christian on his rankings. (*hint hint* MacDoctor Moments who is identifiably Christian on HalfDone but not on Tumeke)

Now that Tumeke’s May stats are out we will compare them with the HalfDone May report and publish the overall MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for May 09 shortly.

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