Here are the top 10 NZ Christian blogs based on Tumeke’s NZ blog stats for April; these stats are used in the calculations for the MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for April 09:
MandM 26
Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 32
Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 47
Star Studded Super Step 80
Top 10 Tumeke. name of blog Tumeke rank
Of Note:
A change in the number 1 spot – well done NZ Conservative!
Lots of position changes throughout the top ten.
All top 10 are well within the top 100; in fact, Christian News New Zealand, Samuel Dennis, Blessed Economist, True Paradigm, Gavin Knight all made the top 100 despite being just outside the top 10.
Note: This list only includes Christian blogs that openly identify as Christian blogs on Tumeke’s ranking descriptions. If you think your blog should be included contact Tim Selwyn of Tumeke and ask him to change your blog description to include something identifiably Christian on his rankings.
Now that Tumeke’s April stats are out we will compare them with the HalfDone April report and publish the overall MandM top 10 NZ Christian Blog rankings for April 09 shortly.
no link to my blog? 😉
thanks for your work compiling these
I'm back in Tumeke's top 100, but looks like I'll have to crack his top 50 to get into your top 10
go the christian blogging community!
Recent blog post: Tumeke! Rank = #100
no link to my blog? 😉
thanks for your work compiling these
I'm back in Tumeke's top 100, but looks like I have further work to do to get into your top 10
go the christian blogging community!
Recent blog post: Tumeke! Rank = #100
Ok, made up some buttons.
MandM, I can send you the html if you like, so people can ctrl+c, ctrl+v these into their sidebars.
The top 2 link thru to nzblogosphere, the bottom one links thru to your blog of course…
let me know…
Sorry Gavin – fixed now.
Well done too!
Recent blog post: Top 10 NZ Christian Blogs – April 09
Cool – go for it.
Recent blog post: Top 10 NZ Christian Blogs – April 09
Madeleine, what is your policy on the use of the "top ten Christian blogs" button you made a few months back (still sitting on my blog). I have dropped out of the top 10 overall, but still am in the top 10 in Scrubone's stats. I should probably remove the button for this reason, but would like to still have something linking through to the Christian blog stats as it's a great service. Or should I keep it up because I am still up there in Scrubone's version?
Recent blog post: Mrs Dennis is a right social moderate