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Daniel Hannan v Gordon Brown the "Brezhnev era Apparatchik" UPDATED

March 30th, 2009 by Madeleine

This is a must view; if only New Zealand politicians could debate and insult each other with this level of panache (and reason this well as well) then people other than David Farrar might tune in to parliament TV (ok, I watch it too).

Daniel Hannan is a writer and journalist and has been Conservative MEP (Member of the European Parliament) for South East England since 1999. He writes of this video footage, “Gordon Brown was in town in advance of the G20 summit. There were a couple of things I wanted to tell him on behalf of my constituents:”

Hat Tip: True Paradigm

I wonder if Daniel would like to move to Auckland, to Mt Albert to be precise, as there’s a vacancy opening up there soon he’d be more than qualified for.

UPDATE: There is an interview with Daniel Hannan on Vox Popoli following the aftermath that this speech being broadcast on You Tube caused.

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