On the first Thursday of every month bloggers who happen to be in Auckland gather for the B3 (Bloggers Bar Bash).
What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 1 July from 6.30pm
Where: Galbraiths, 2 Mt Eden Road, Mt Eden, Auckland
The B3, as it is coined by regulars, is open to anyone who writes for, comments on or reads blogs.
Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and bloupies (blog groupies) Annie Fox, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, Cactus Kate, Garfield Herrington, Interest.co.nz, Kiwiblog, Lolly Scramble, MandM, Night City Trader, No Minister, Not PC, Roar Prawn, SOLO, State Highway One, Stephen Franks, The Fairfacts Media Show, 21st Century Renaissance, Whale Oil and WHOAR.
RSVP on Facebook or just turn up… see you there.
Tags: Bloggers Drinks · Events10 Comments
How does one recognise the ‘bloggers’ table?
That is a bit of an issue – we really should have some object we place on the table – but if you take a look at the blog photos for Not PC’s Peter Cresswell or WhaleOil’s Cameron Slater or Matt and I you should be ok.
Thanks. I’d love to come, as both a reader and blogger. Cheers.
Another blogger is always welcome – especially female ones as we are a tad outnumbered!
Matt and I will be late, we are usually late anyway but this Thursday we have to be somewhere else at 6pm so we will go on to bloggers drinks from there – lots of people roll in whenever they are free.
If you are planning on getting there on time visit Not PC’s blog and check out Peter Cresswell’s pic so you can spot him – he is very friendly and approachable in person and he is usually there early.
I can’t make it sorry-I have an abortion to perform that night.
why not just pop in after that?
It will start at 6pm and is one of those late term abortions. Last time I tried to perform one it got very messy and took awhile. Plus I’ve got to wash up afterwards.
Shame I won’t be there as some of the more conservative bloggers really need a talking to in regards to this subject.
Then that really is a shame that you cannot come Richard.
Looking forward to that talk Richard.
Still keen for it Matt?