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How to Put Twitter Feeds Into Blogger

February 27th, 2009 by Madeleine

We have just discovered Twitter. Twitter is the new thing that everyone online seems to be getting into. Its heaps of fun, free to sign up and you can communicate with a lot of people with very little effort which is always attractive with our busy lives. You can get your Twitter updates through your mobile phone and you can install a live feed in your Blogger platform very easily.

Whenever I want to customize a Blogspot  Blog I always start with Amanda Fazani’s Blogger Buster as her instructions are very clear and simple and you don’t need a lot of tech knowledge to follow them. Amanda has written a Twitter Widget that self installs your Twitter updates into your blog – its really easy and customizable!

Create a Twitter account

Open this page on Blogger Buster

Scroll about halfway down the page to the heading “Add a Twitter Widget using this Widget Installer”

Enter your Twitter user name into the “Create Your Stylized Twitter Widget” box.

Click “Customize”

Click “Add to Blog”

Once it has been added to your blog you can drag it where you want it from within the Layout Page Elements area. Remember to save.

If you want to add a link such as “Follow Me on Twitter” you can just open it by clicking on edit, and then just copy and paste the following at the bottom of the text code:

[a href=” target=”0″>Follow Me on Twitter


USERNAME with your Twitter user name.

Change the [] brackets on each end to < > (respectively).

Then save.

If you want to remove the picture that comes with the widget then open the widget as above and delete the following from the code:

style=”background: url(

top left no-repeat;

Then click save. Happy Twittering and don’t forget to sign up and follow MandM!

Cross Posted at Coping in a Technological World

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