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New Zealand Christian Blog Rankings for October 2008

November 21st, 2008 by Madeleine

Extrapolating from Tumeke’s October 2008 stats, the top 10 Christian Blogs on Public Discourse in New Zealand are:

  1. NZ Conservative (23 +1)
  2. Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (34 +2)
  3. The Briefing Room (35 -5)
  4. MandM (50 +27)
  5. Samuel Dennis (79 +1)
  6. Kiwi Polemicist (92 new)
  7. Gavin Knight (95 – 4)
  8. Put up Thy Sword (114 +1)
  9. Contra Celsum (125 -31)
  10. Say Hello to my Little Friend (a.k.a Beretta Blog) (126 +2)

Of Note:

  • No change in the number 1 spot, well done NZ Conservative.
  • Newcomer Kiwi Polemicist debuts at number 6 (92 on Tumeke’s stats).
  • The gap between the top 4 narrows; over the past 3 months MandM have climbed 76 spots on Tumeke’s rankings.

Other Christian blogs making the top 200 NZ blogs on Public Discourse are:

(Numbers in brackets show the overall NZ ranking of each blog)

Note: This list does not include Christians who blog but whose blogs are not identifiably Christian and is based on Tumeke’s classification and ranking methods.

If you think your blog should be on the rankings click here.

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