Just a reminder that Wellington bloggers drinks are this coming Friday and we’ll be there!
What: Wellington Bloggers Drinks
When: Friday 27 November from 7:00pm
Where: Backbencher Pub, 34 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington
Open to anyone who happens to be in Wellington. Pass it on!
What: Wellington Bloggers Drinks
When: Friday 27 November from 7:00pm
Where: Backbencher Pub, 34 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington
(Just passing it on…)
.-= My last blog-post ..The Late Friday Night Free For All =-.
unfortunately I have a diary clash so probably won’t be able to make it
Hope 2 c u there !
.-= My last blog-post ..Should Christians Embrace Evolution?: Biblical and Scientific Responses =-.