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Top 10 NZ Christian Blogs – September 09

November 5th, 2009 by Madeleine

The Top 10 New Zealand Christian Blogs for September 09 are as follows:

  1. [1.] MandM 12 (3 – 21)
  2. [2.] NZ Conservative 16.5 (9 – 24 )
  3. [3.] MacDoctor Moments 17 (16 – 18)
  4. [4.] Something Should Go Here, Maybe Later (HalfDone) 20.5 (13 – 28)
  5. [5.] Say Hello to my Little Friend (Beretta Blog) 22.5 (18 – 27)
  6. [8.] Being Frank 38.5 (45 – 32)
  7. [10.] Liturgy Worship Spirituality* 42 (39 – 45)
  8. [N.] Brad Heap 48 (55 – 41)
  9. [N.] Sustain:if:able kiwi 50 (51 – 49) [actual score 50.00]
  10. [N.] Prodigal Kiwi* 50 (47 – 53) [actual score 50.08]

Rank. [previous top 10 rank] Blog MandM (Half Done – Tumeke)

To obtain our stats we run searches on Half Done’s September 09 NZ stats and Tumeke’s September 09 NZ stats for openly Christian blogs that demonstrate adherence to the historic Christian tradition in their blog content then we average those blogs scores to obtain their overall scores.

If you think your blog should make our rankings, make sure you are listed on both Tumeke and HalfDone’s rankings as an identifiably Christian blog and we’ll check you out.

* For blogs that only feature on one set of stats a score for the other set is estimated by factoring in the discrepancy between the two sets of stats given their different ranking methods; any blogs this effects are marked with an asterisk. We suggest that any blog not featuring on both should submit their blog to the ranking they are not currently on as it is not always possible for us to simply calculate the score that blog would have obtained.

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