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Hear Matt at MPC on: “Is it Narrow-Minded to Think Jesus is the Only Way?”

September 13th, 2013 by Madeleine

This blog’s Matthew Flannagan will be speaking at Massey Presbytarian Church’s Night Church Service on the topic “Is it Narrow-Minded to Think Jesus is the Only Way?

Details are:


7:00pm (come at 6:30pm to grab a meal from the Night Church cafe)
Sunday 29 September 2013
Massey Presbyterian Church
510 Don Buck Road, Auckland, New Zealand

All welcome.

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1 response so far ↓

  • I have a question for Matthew which I emailed to him, but I think it may have gotten caught in his spam filter. In his essay on the Canaanite conquest in “Come, Let us Reason” Matthew says that the hyperbolic interpretation of the descriptions of “total destruction” has a precedent in some of the Church Fathers. I couldn’t find any footnote in that essay giving a reference, and so I am wondering if you could refer me to the Fathers which took such an interpretation.

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    Time for Jubilee?)