In Best Argument Against God (BAAG) Graham Oppy sketches a sophisticated argument for atheism. Oppy’s conclusion is the result of applying a particular method to the question of God’s existence. He contends that question of Gods existence should not be determined by examining the arguments for and against the existence of God. Instead philosophy of […]
Entries from October 30th, 2018
Is Naturalism simpler than Theism? Some reflections on Graham Oppy’s “Best argument against God”
October 30th, 2018 2 Comments
God and Moral Grounding Power
October 6th, 2018 1 Comment
A common objection to divine command theories of ethics (DCT) is that they make morality arbitrary. There are several ways this objection can be cashed out. The most common is what is called the ‘Horrendous deeds objection’. The Horrendous deeds objection can be formalised as follows: (1) If the DCT is true, then if God commanded […]
Tags: Divine Command Theory · God and Morality · Jason Thibodeau
Religious Studies Scholarships and the NZAPT
October 2nd, 2018 Comments Off on Religious Studies Scholarships and the NZAPT
Those who follow me on Facebook will know that two years ago I began teaching Philosophy and Theology full time at St Peters College one of New Zealand’s largest Catholic high schools. Only a handful of schools teach Philosophy in New Zealand and while it has official subject recognition one cannot gain any credits for […]
Tags: NCEA · State Education