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Entries from April 18th, 2018

On alleged Victim’s of Church abuse… “Can you blame them?”…. “Yes I can”

April 18th, 2018 Comments Off on On alleged Victim’s of Church abuse… “Can you blame them?”…. “Yes I can”

Can you blame them? This was the rhetorical question I heard recently, posed by a speaker at a Conference of religious studies teachers that I attended.  The answer to the question was supposed to be No, and most of the audience seemed to take this to be the correct answer. Nor is this atypical It’s […]

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“Robust Ethics and the Autonomy Thesis” Now Online

April 3rd, 2018 Comments Off on “Robust Ethics and the Autonomy Thesis” Now Online”>William

Recently, Philosophia Christi published Matt’s article “Robust Ethics and the Autonomy Thesis: A reply to Erik Wielenberg”. This article consisted of some critical commentary and responses to Erik Wielenberg’s book Robust Ethics: The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Godless Normative Realism. Since then Matt’s article has received a little bit of unexpected attention. One of my arguments […]

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