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Hear Matt speak @ the Auckland Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference

April 14th, 2015 by Madeleine

This ANZAC weekend make sure you check out the Thinking Matters Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference at Northcote Baptist Church. Matt will be speaking along with a number of other great speakers. Full conference schedule here.

In brief, from the Thinking Matters’ Facebook Event page:

Confident Christianity Conference

Does God exist? Why is there so much suffering? Is truth relative? Are science and faith enemies?

Can you give both intellectually and emotionally satisfying answers to these questions? Can you defend the Christian faith in a reasonable and compassionate way? Are you able to represent Christ’s message of hope, rescue and unfathomable love, even in the face of doubt and scepticism?

Join us this Anzac weekend where a line-up of top international and local speakers will sensitively and skilfully respond to the biggest objections that Christians encounter today – and equip you to live out a confident, yet gracious faith in your everyday life.

Speakers Include

– Brett Kunkle – international youth speaker
– Dr Jeff Tallon – award winning scientist
– Dr Steve Kumar – philosopher & apologist
– David Riddell – international speaker & counsellor
– Mark Powell – business leader & CEO of The Warehouse
– Dr Matthew Flannagan – philosopher & theologian

And many others!

Friday 24th April – 7:00PM – 9:30PM
This is a FREE public event. No registration needed – just turn up!

Saturday 25th April – 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Full Day Conference. Tickets:

Early Bird Adult Registration $59 (Available until 17th April)
Regular Adult Registration $69

YOUTH (Under 18) & STUDENT (with ID):
Early Bird Youth $30 (Available until 17th April)
Regular Youth Registration $40

Lunch included on Saturday (gluten free option available).


For full details, a speaker lineup and to purchase tickets – check out our conference page:

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