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Entries from April 15th, 2015

Randal Rauser’s Interview: “Matthew Flannagan on God and Genocide”

April 15th, 2015 6 Comments

When Matt was in San Diego for the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) and Evangelical Philosophical Society (EPS) meetings in November 2014, Randal Rauser interviewed him for his Podcast, The Tentative Apologist. The interview was for episode 58 and is entitled “Matthew Flannagan on God and Genocide“; you can listen to it by following the link. (It is […]


Hear Matt speak @ the Auckland Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference

April 14th, 2015 Comments Off on Hear Matt speak @ the Auckland Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference

This ANZAC weekend make sure you check out the Thinking Matters Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference at Northcote Baptist Church. Matt will be speaking along with a number of other great speakers. Full conference schedule here. In brief, from the Thinking Matters’ Facebook Event page: Does God exist? Why is there so much suffering? Is truth relative? Are science and […]


Hear Matt speak @ ACTIV8 Training Day in Christchurch

April 12th, 2015 Comments Off on Hear Matt speak @ ACTIV8 Training Day in Christchurch

Matt is speaking along with at the upcoming annual ACTIV8 Pro Life Training Day in Christchurch on Saturday 18 April 2015. The conference runs from 9:30am to 5:30pm, the cost for the day is $25 (includes lunch). Register online at:  


A very belated report on my trip to San Diego

April 12th, 2015 Comments Off on A very belated report on my trip to San Diego

With trips to the US, Christmas, New Years, the summer break, Madeleine’s work, my preaching and juggling the family and the launch of my book, it has been a while since I blogged. Since the last post was about me going to the US I figured I should start by giving a very belated update on the trip […]

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