When I was in Baltimore last November I caught up with fellow theologian and blogger Randal Rauser. Randal is professor of Theology at Taylor Seminary in Edmonton Canada.
Randal and I have had some spirited but cordial exchanges in the past, including a panel discussion at the Society of Biblical Literature in 2010.While we do not always agree I find him to be a very astute critic of my work.
Randal asked to interview me in Baltimore on the topic “Matthew Flannagan on God, ethics, and divine commands” so the readers of his blog could get a take on the positions I have staked out. The interview is now available at the link above.
Tags: Baltimore · Canaanites · Divine Command Theory · Old Testament Ethics · Randal Rauser1 Comment
I would like to ask a question about ethics and divine commands within the OT. I would be interested to hear your comments about 2 Chron 18. In particular verses 18-27. At face value it would appear that God allows or wishes lying to be done on his behalf. Any thoughts?