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Talks from Baltimore Available

February 13th, 2014 by Matt

For those who are interested, the Evangelical Theological Society has put recordings of all the papers presented in Baltimore online for a price of $4 each. My 2 presentations are available here. The talks include the Q&A so during the second presentation Professor Swinburne from Oxford University can be heard offering critical comments on my paper.

I found that the website says that most people who bought recordings of my talks also bought recordings of a paper by Gordon Otese, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Heritage Theological Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario, who presented a paper in the old testament narrative session at the ETS, entitled “The Use of 1 Samuel 15 as a Critique of Holy War Hyperbole“. I purchased a recording of Otese’s paper and found that it discusses, critiques and expands upon some of my work on the existence of hyperbole in 1 Samuel 15.

UPDATE: My third talk “Morality and Gods Commands: Answering Common Objections” presented at  the  Annual Apologetics Conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society  is  now available.

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