This blog’s Matthew Flannagan has been invited to speak at the 12th Annual Apologetics Conference of the Evangelical Philosophical Society in Baltimore, USA. The theme of this year’s conference is Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World. Matt’s talk is titled “Morality and God’s Commands: Answering Common Objections.” The blurb for Matt’s talk is as follows:
“It is widely believed in contemporary philosophy that morality does not depend on God. Theories that attempt to identify our moral obligations with God’s commands are believed to be subject to several important objections. In this talk I will offer reasons for rejecting this position. I will clarify what it means to claim our moral duties depend on God’s commands and I will distinguish this claim from various misconceptions. I will then examine the most common objections to this position and that show they fail.”
Matt is the only New Zealand speaker and he will be speaking alongside some of the top Christian thinkers and speakers in the world such as Dr. Gary Habermas, Sean McDowell, Dr. Paul Copan, Mary Jo Sharp, Dr. Craig Hazen, Dr. John Bloom, Greg Koukl, Dr. Mark Foreman, Patty Houser, Dr. Angus Menuge, and many more. You can see a full list of speakers here. Check out the sessions and tracks for the the EPS Apologetics Conference, which runs from 21-23 November 2013, and register here.
Matt is also speaking at the annual meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, on Feticide, and the Evangelical Philosophical Society, on Divine Commands re Abraham and Issac, in Baltimore earlier in the week. (See Matt to speak at the 2013 Evangelical Theological Society in Baltimore on Feticide and Matt to speak at the 2013 Evangelical Philosophical Society in Baltimore on Divine Commands re Abraham and Isaac).
If you are minded to support his and my fundraising efforts to get him to Baltimore for his 3 speaking engagements next week, please consider donating using one of the methods in the side bar.
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