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Madeleine to Speak at the ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training Day in Wellington

November 6th, 2013 by Matt

This blog’s Madeleine will be speaking at the ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training Day in Paraparaumu, just North of Wellington, on 23 November 2013.  ACTIV8 is a pro-life formation event that is hosted by Stayin’ Alive every year.  (I was originally scheduled to speak but as I will be in the USA Madeleine is taking my place.)

ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training Day 2013

From the organisers:

“[The event] features knowledgeable and informative speakers who present formation sessions on issues such as practical pro-life apologetics, understanding the media and political issues, as well as having a special focus on introducing you to some great pro-life resources and projects that you can adopt.

This year’s Pro-Life Summer Training Day features presentations from:

Madeleine Flannagan:
‘How to refute pro-choice arguments’

Bob McCoskrie:
‘How to talk to the NZ media about abortion’

Kate Cormack & Jordan Verrent:
‘Skills for effective pro-life outreach’

Brendan Malone:
‘Get activated for the culture of life!’

Rachel Wong:
‘Understanding NZ abortion laws’

Dr. Michael McCabe:
‘Informed consent and abortion’


-Abortion Apologetics Q&A panel with Madeleine Flannagan and Brendan Malone
-Sessions on: ‘What is informed consent?’, and: ‘Using social media to build a culture of life’
-Small group discussions and activities
-Heaps of opportunities for networking with other passionate pro-life people!
-Resources and t-shirts for sale”

To find out more and to register head to Stayin’ Alive.

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