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Hang in the MandM corner at Takanini Community Church’s “Messy Church” this Sunday

October 26th, 2013 by Madeleine

MandM with M&MsAs you know Matt is the teaching pastor at Takanini Community Church in Auckland. Our church has decided to try holding a Messy Church service once a month. The format is not like traditional church. It involves breakfast, a relaxed lounge-style teaching, family friendly craft tables and an MandM corner – complete with M&M’s and MandM; the idea is that anyone who wants to raise questions about Christianity can hang with Matt and I and eat M&M’s (and drink coffee, I will be drinking coffee) while the others do craft.

So bring your kids and come along to 160 Great South Road Takanini, South Auckland this Sunday 27 October 2013:

8:50 Doors open
9:00 -9:45 Breakfast in hall ($1 per person – Breakfast Menu)
9:45-10:00 Teaching in lounge
10:00-10:50 Craft Time
10:50-11:00 Close in lounge

Messy Church

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2 responses so far ↓

  • Puzzle thought for this month’s messy church is : Throughout the Bible, God uses the shepherd as an example of a good leader and as an example of how he cares for us. This seems a strange choice because shepherds do eat sheep!

  • I’d love to come but it’s a little too far away from Vancouver . . .