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Auckland Conference: Science and Faith with Dr C John Collins

June 20th, 2013 by Madeleine

Thinking Matters have a couple of conferences coming up in July with Dr C John Collins:Science and Faith Friends ofr Foes?Much of Western culture assumes that science and faith are foes, that faith and scientific naiveté go hand in hand, and that science has disproved the Bible and made faith irrelevant if not completely indefensible and undesirable.

Come and hear Dr. C. John Collins explain why faith and science are actually friends, how good faith fosters good science, and how good science should actually lead people to be more open to faith and the Bible.

WHEN: Friday 19 July 7pm-9.30pm and Saturday 20 July, 9:00am-4:30pm
WHERE: City Presbyterian Church, 283 Karangahape Road, Auckland
COST: $40 ($20 for Students).

Coffee and tea will be provided but please bring your own lunch.

Full details including info on how to register can be found over at Thinking Matters.

Consider also attending: Ancient Truth for Modern Times with Dr C John Collins

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