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Tonight’s Gay Marriage Debate at Auckland Uni Expected to be Big – Room Change to Accommodate Audience

October 2nd, 2012 by Madeleine

Tonight’s debate between Louisa Wall MP, Colin Craig, Matthew Flannagan, et al at Auckland University has been moved to a larger room – it is now in Lib 28 – due to the response the organisers have had on the Facebook Event page.

Apparently the media will be there too.

See you’all tonight.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • I wanted to go but wasn’t able to. How did it turn out? How much blood was spilt?

  • It was very good. The larger lecture theatre was full so they opened up an overflow room and put a video and audio feed into it.

    There were at least 4 video cameras filming it so an online version will be available soon – we will publish one as soon as we have one.

    No blood split although some crunchie bars were consumed.