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My First Week in Charlotte

October 27th, 2012 by Matt

Last week I flew from Auckland to Los Angeles, then to Atlanta and from Atlanta to Charlotte, North Carolina on Wednesday last week. I got in shortly after 12 am on Thursday.

A few hours later on Thursday morning I was introduced to much of the staff at Southern Evangelical Seminary and then began attending a conference for the new campus based group Ratio Christi. This saw me attend various lectures at the seminary, have dinner with Mark Forman of Liberty University and Paul Gould, get into discussions on theological and moral problems with various students at the conference,  and hear a key note address by John Lennox.

All day Friday to Saturday I attended the Southern Evangelical Apologetics Conference.

Monday saw me travelling to a leading Nascar racing team headquarters with John Lennox for a talk Lennox was delivering for engineers at the centre I also attended a lecture that Lennox delivered at Davidson University.  During the trip I also travelled with and discussed God and  Morality and Islam with Keith Small  from the London School of Theology.

The next day saw me travelling to one of North Carolina’s most prestigious universities, the University of Chapel Hill, to hear Lennox’s final talk.

Wednesday kicked off my speaking tour; I gave a 60 minute talk on “God and the Canaanite Massacre” on at Queens University. The following night I gave a talk entitled “Defending Divine Commands” at UNC Charlotte on Thursday (last) night. Both events were followed by a good Q&A sessions.

Cherokee Christian Apologetics Conference

Today I travel out to the border between North Carolina and Georgia to present at a the Cherokee Christian Apologetics Conference.  I am presenting on the topic of “Morality and Tolerance.”

I will keep you posted as I can.

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