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Matt’s Impending Month-Long USA Speaking Tour – UPDATED

September 23rd, 2012 by Madeleine

Matt's USA TourAs you all know, Matt and I are heading to Milwaukee this November 2012 to speak at the Evangelical Philosophical Society’s Annual Meeting.

News of this has spread, as sometimes happens when you publish things on the internet, and so now Matt is going to American early to do a speaking tour of North Carolina before heading to Milwaukee to meet me at the EPS – so far his (rather exciting!) itinerary is:

Arrive 17th of October 2012
18th – Ratio Christi Syposium
19th – 20th: Southern Evangelical Seminary Apologetics Conference
21st – Meet CFC Church
22nd – 23rd: Dr John Lennox at Davidson & Chapel Hill with Veritas Forum
24th: Matt to Speak at RC Queen University
25th: Matt to Speak at Hickory Grove Highschool and University of North Carolina Charlotte
26th – 28th: Cherokee Apologetics Conference
29th: Matt to Speak at University of North Carolina Greenboro.
30th: Visit to Billy Graham Facility
31st: Matt to Speak at Belmont Abbey with Dr Grattan Brown
1st Nov: Matt to Speak at Lenoir Rhyne
2nd – 3rd: Speaking to Southern Evangelical Seminary students & alumni
4th: Preaching at CFC Church
6th – 11th: Travel to Georgia with Dr Richard Howe

Then on 14 November:
Matt and Madeleine to speak on “Being Good: Christian Virtues for Everyday Life” in Milwaukee
Matt to speak on Singer and Infanticide in Milwaukee

The logistics and financial issues around pulling this off are complicated by Matt leaving for the US in mid-October and my need to continue working in New Zealand until mid-November and care for our 2 home-schooled children and a teenager in his final year of school who will be sitting exams. I am only in the first months of being an independent contractor so when I do not work, I do not earn; the same is true for Matt with his job – neither of us accrue leave – basically we will be not earning but incurring costs both in the US and at home.

Finding care for the children will be difficult, especially as our youngest (11) suffers from severe high-functioning austistic spectrum disorder and severe anxiety disorder and appears to be developing agrophobia – the upshot is that the number of people who capable of watching him (other than Matt and I) are numbered on 1 hand and he cannot leave the house to be cared for as he panics.

All that aside, we have faith that we will find a way. So your prayers are asked for as we work through resolving the parental and household responsibility issues and the finances to get both of us to the US. We still need to raise about another $2,500 so if you feel inclined to donate, your support is greatly appreciated, please see the options in the sidebar and on the support page.

If you are in the US and you want to book either Matt or I for a speaking engagement, see our about page to contact us.

We are in receipt of a request for me to travel over a little earlier and speak.

At this point we have raised enough funds for Matt to go, and his tickets are now all booked, but we do not have funds for me to travel at all – although I do already have an entry visa.

So while we are very open to me speaking more than already scheduled we are not sure if that can happen yet.

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4 responses so far ↓

  • Awesome! I look forward to meeting you at CFC and Cherokee!

  • David, yeah it will be great, definitely come up and say hi.

  • Bringing your Stone Age “dying for sins” bullshit to the U.S. again, huh?

    Maybe you can give a talk on how awesome it is to bow down and worship a god that trotted around the Middle East desert 2000 years ago belching, farting, and squatting over a hole to shit.

    Oh, and when your god gets an erection, you know what he does with it, right?

    Picture Jesus in one of those special moments the next time that you’re deep in prayer.


  • Wow, that’s…as charming as it is convincing.