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Auckland Uni Debate “This House supports the legalisation of same-sex marriage in New Zealand” Feat. Louisa Wall, Colin Craig, Matthew Flannagan, et al.

September 24th, 2012 by Madeleine

Gay Marriage DebateMatt has accepted an invitation from the Auckland University Students Association (AUSA) to participate in a public debate on the Same Sex Marriage Bill to be held at 7pm at the University of Auckland on Tuesday 2 October 2012 in Library Basement 28.

The moot is: “This House supports the legalisation of same-sex marriage in New Zealand” 

The Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill just passed the first reading in the New Zealand Parliament but the debate continues. Its full passage would allow unrelated same sex couples to marry.

This debate is open to the public so mark it in your calendars now!

Confirmed speakers are:

The Facebook page for this event is here. This event is part of AUSA’s Politics Week at Auckland University.

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9 responses so far ↓

  • Let’s all tune in and see if Matt can take Christianity’s pathetic bigotry to a whole new level!!!

    I’m betting that he can!

    “I’m here, I’m queer, and I didn’t die for your fucking sins!!!”–Jesus Christ, the Forgotten Gospel

  • Seems hater Harry, is going to hate.
    Haters are going to hate… threatened by someone with strong faith in God Harry?

  • “Let’s all tune in and see if Matt can take Christianity’s patheticigotry to a whole new level!!!

    I’m betting that he can!

    “I’m here, I’m queer, and I didn’t die for your fucking sins!!!”–Jesus Christ, the Forgotten Gospel”

    Translation of Harry’s logic:

    Harry hates Christianity, therefore it must be false

  • Yeah, I’m really threatened by people who worship sky fairies!

    And Christianity isn’t false because anyone hates it. It’s false because it’s the most asinine bunch of Stone Age bullshit that the human mind has ever concocted in our entire history on planet earth.

    But feel free to believe in your donkey shit of a religion!!

  • Harry and feel free to educate yourself on when the stone age was and while your at it google the word “ad hominen”


  • […] Tonight’s debate between Louisa Wall MP, Colin Craig, Matthew Flannagan, et al at Auckland University has been moved to a larger room – it is now in Lib 28 – due to the response the organisers have had on the Facebook Event page. […]

  • Harry, if Matt makes a good case tonight, why would that make Christianity false? His case will come from several different areas I would imagine. If the Christian position has compelling reasons that show it has at least a plausible case that should be considered fairly in academia is that not a good thing? We are open minded aren’t we? It has to evaluated on the case presented minus our biases. Whether we like it or not.

  • The event was videoed by multiple people so we will publish a copy when we have one.

  • “Yeah, I’m really threatened by people who worship sky fairies!

    And Christianity isn’t false because anyone hates it. It’s false because it’s the most asinine bunch of Stone Age bullshit that the human mind has ever concocted in our entire history on planet earth.

    But feel free to believe in your donkey shit of a religion!!”

    Umad Harry?

    Now it seems that you are suggesting an emotional argument that goes a little something like this:

    Harry says X is false, whatever Harry says must be false, because whatever Harry says has to be false, therefore X must be false, because Harry said so

    This is obviously a case of circular reasoning Harry, perhaps you’d like up to back up your assertions with some more SUBSTANCE and less OVERTONE.
