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The Christian Blog Carnival comes to MandM

July 11th, 2012 by Madeleine

Christian CarnivalIt has been a while since MandM hosted the Christian Carnival but its our turn again. Enjoy : )

Divorce and Remarriage, Part 1: Intro by Carl Ayers of Theological Pursuit 
“Many Christians, churches, and church leaders have struggled and continue to struggle with what the bible says on divorce and remarriage. This is the first of eight posts in which I explore the proper biblical framework for approaching this delicate topic.”
(MandM’s Matt has written on this topic previously, just in case you’re interested:“Till Death do us Part” Christ’s Teachings on Abuse, Divorce and Remarriage)

Jesus in the Old Testament by Kirra Antrobus of Thoughtful
“Jesus in the Old Testament is the first in a series on fulfilled prophecy about Jesus, as well as types and christophanies in the Old Testament. I would love for you all to come weigh in on these ideas.”

Dawkins and Secular Hypocrisy by Matthew Flannagan of MandM
“Richard Dawkins says William Lane Craig is not morally qualified to debate him but can Dawkins’ criticisms of Craig be consistently maintained given Dawkins’ own support of Peter Singer?”

Modern Marriages by Gbenga Owotoki of Impart For Impact – A Change You Can Believe In
“Most marriages were predicated on faulty foundations and a building with such foundation cannot last. People get into marriage for the wrong reasons for some it is the wealth that will be available at their disposal, others for reasons other than genuine love entrench in God’s approval.”

Be My Everything by Ruth of Mess Into Message
“If I mentioned to anyone that I went to church, people would be surprised.  I thought this was a good thing – that I wasn’t a stereotypical Christian.  But actually it came down to the fact that my heart and behaviour were so far removed from Christ that I did not reflect Him at all.  It isn’t about attending church to earn ticket into heaven.  It’s about a relationship with God.  It’s about making right choices, because of what He has done for us.  Loving Him because He first loved us.'”

On Fearing God more than men by Madeleine of MandM
“Because I know He has enabled me to be able to act competently and that He expects me to do so where it is right to, I act, but it does not mean that doing this is easy nor does it mean that I do not pay a price or feel the slings and arrows. I am human; like everyone else, I bleed.”

One of His Translators by Romi of In the Way Everlasting
“A quarter of a century ago, on the last day of the English Bible camp held at a small Bible Institute on the Sea of Japan, a missionary from Canada gave me a booklet. It was a copy of  “Our Daily Bread” published by RBC Ministries…”

Bandit’s Dad Was A Smokey by James Nakamura of Nakadude
“Burt Reynolds quote on his dad characterizes the vacuum that exists between us and our earthly fathers. My hope is that we find Christ like mentoring and our Heavenly Father to fill in the gaps.”

How Ya Doin’? by Richard Rabehl of In Faith’s Mission Blog
“Richard Rabehl turns to Scripture for encouragement when all news seems to be bad news.”

Orphans by Ridge Burns of Ridge’s Blog
“Ridge Burns relates his experience with Liberian orphanages to God’s promise not to leave us as orphans.”

Today Is July 4–Founding Fathers and Thoughts on Theological Liberalism by Chris Price of American Church History
“Well, it’s another July 4, where many people will celebrate the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.  Of course, declaring independence and actually winning it are two different things.  Perhaps we should actually celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783 as our official independence day.  That’s not as fun, though, because it took far less in terms of guts.”

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