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Alvin Plantinga Calling for an Argument

February 4th, 2012 by Madeleine

NoahWe moved house recently but before we got the telephone services disconnected at our old house we rescued this answer-phone message left by our then 9 year old son Noah for Matt – note the attempted American accent:

Alvin Calling

(Noah had no idea how we worked out it wasn’t really Alvin Plantinga.)

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6 responses so far ↓

  • Alvin wants to argue with someone called “Dad”? 😉

  • When we checked the voicemail messages and I heard that I nearly fell over laughing. Matt was like “what? what’s so funny?” I couldn’t speak so I just reset the message and handed Matt the phone. We were both laughing and I said “see everyone, including Noah, knows you are a fan of Alvin Plantinga’s”. Noah then called out angrily “how did you know it was me?” That set us off in even more hysterics. We just couldn’t let them close our phone account without getting a copy of the message.

  • That is so extremely funny and cute!

  • That is adorable. What a delight!

  • Is Alvin’s dad still alive? And if so why would Alvin think he is living with you guys?


  • Cute. What would the two argue about?