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Another Day, Another Publication

November 17th, 2011 by Madeleine

Matt is having a good day.

Presently he is in San Francisco where this morning he gave the first of his talks, “Can Traditional Theism Provide an Adequate Foundation for Morality? A Reply to Walter Sinnott-Armstrong’s Critique of William Lane Craig” to the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. By all accounts it was well received with Matt already being in receipt of several requests from scholars in his field for copies of the paper.

This afternoon he attended a panel discussion  featuring William Lane Craig, Paul Copan, David Bagget and Jerry Walls on divine command theory and the moral argument. Regular readers will know how much he would have enjoyed that!

Tonight an email came through from the Westminster Theological Journal, a rather prestigious journal, informing him that his article “Feticide, the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint” has been accepted for publication.

No prizes for guessing that I am extra proud of him today 🙂

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