The Podcast of last night’s show on Life FM’s The Forum, which featured this blog’s Madeleine Flannagan, along with Frank Ritchie and Dale Campbell, answering 20 Tough Questions about God, the Bible, Christianity, Church and life, thrown at them by host George Penk, is now available online in its entirety.
Click the image to listen online or use these links for the MP3s:
The Forum 18 September 2011: 20 Questions Part 1
The Forum 18 September 2011: 20 Questions Part 2
Normally Life FM only release a 20 minute highlight podcast of The Forum but they announced on Facebook today that due to the sheer volume of requests for the whole show they decided to make an exception. I think that says a lot about how hungry people are for Apologetics and what a good job Madeleine, Frank, Dale and George did.
Tags: Apologetics · Dale Campbell · Frank Ritchie · George Penk · Life FM · Podcast7 Comments
is there anywhere that the mp3 can be downloaded?
Try above 🙂
We’ve now added in links to the MP3s.
Thanks for making these mp3’s available. I wasn’t able to listen at the time but have a strong desire to keep in touch with what “mainstream” Christianity believes.
Unfortunately, the first answer thoroughly disappointed me.
First question: “Can someone who has never heard of Jesus be saved?”
First answer: “Yes”
My response: Hang on a minute? Is this a Christian forum? What’s going on here?
The answer looked at Abraham who was saved by faith before Jesus, so surely that’s how people can be saved now. It was acknowledged that salvation is through Jesus alone which is good, but we have to remember that nobody is deserving of hearing the gospel – so why would we think it unfair if the possibility of someone being saved was cut down to only those who have heard about Jesus? It is by God’s mercy that anyone at all hears.
If you guys are representative of our Christian leaders then I don’t think you are taking your responsibility seriously enough. Your answer pretty much indicated that people who have faith in God to forgive them will be saved. My question is, does it matter which God then? Even Abraham wouldn’t have been saved by his faith if he placed it in the wrong god!
I will persevere through the entire recording still. And I will try not to let this get me off on the wrong foot as I listen because I hope, for God’s sake, that such an important public witness to “The Faith” is redeemed…
Sam please see the discussion on this question here as someone else raised the same question and both Frank Ritchie and I gave them more detailed answers there than we gave on the show (which had limited time).
In the link I just gave you you will see that Paul wrote about this in Romans (as I stated on the show) and a strong case for what we said is present in Scripture.
I assure you all on the panel are committed, non-liberal, Christians.
Great words on abortion, Madeleine! I’m beginning to feel a little happier 😉
G’day Matt, just want to say that it was great hearing you on Newstalk ZB about student protests. You answered Mike Hosking’s questions rather well.
Hey Dr. Flannagan,
Didn’t quite know where to post this, but just wanted to say I’m glad to hear you are coming to the U.S. I live near San Francisco, and may come to see part of the EPS conference. I wanted to say that as part of a group series responding to Apologetics papers, I’ve responded to a paper of yours here. (
Anyways, good luck with your travels to the United States!