Thinking Matters and Evangelical Union hosted an event at the University of Auckland for Jesus Week entitled A Godless Public Square: Do ‘Private’ Christian Beliefs Have a Place in Public Life? This event was essentially a conversation between Theology, Philosophy and Law on the topic of Religion in Public Life. It featured Matthew Flannagan – Analytic Theologian, Glenn Peoples – Philosopher and Madeleine Flannagan – Legal Scholar and was moderated Patt Brittenden. If you missed it you can now watch it on video.
Each speaker has published the speeches they wrote for this event:
- Matthew Flannagan’s speech – Theology
- Glenn Peoples’ speech – Philosophy
- Madeleine Flannagan’s speech – Law
Hat tip (and credit for filming and editing this video): Stuart at Thinking Matters.
Tags: Doctrine of Religious Restraint · Freedom of Religion · Gerald Gaus · Glenn Peoples · John Rawls · MandM on Video · Pat Brittenden · Religion in Public Life · Robert Audi · Steven Smith4 Comments
Whats the difference in Matt being a theologian and Glenno being a philosopher? Don’t they work on the same stuff coming from the same angles? Please explain.
Matt, is there a transcript available of this?
No there is no transcript. There are the three blog posts that contain the speeches we each spoke from…
Dicky P Matt holds a Masters in Philosophy and a PhD in Theology. Glenn holds a Masters in Theology and a PhD in Philosophy. They have similar research interests and approaches. However, their styles are different and they have different strengths that they bring to both their written and oral work.