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Auckland Bloggers Drinks – This Thursday

July 6th, 2011 by Madeleine

The first Thursday of the month means Bloggers Drinks! The event for bloggers, blog trolls, blog groupies (bloupies) and blog readers who happen to be in Auckland.

Past blogging celebrities in attendance include bloggers and blog readers from:

Galbraiths21st Century Renaissance, And All These Things, Annie Fox, As Yourself Hermitage, Barnsley Bill, Beretta, Blondie, Bowalley Road, The Fairfacts Media Show, Stephen Franks, Fundy Post, Hard News, Island Life, Garfield Herrington, Bernard Hickey, Cactus Kate, Kiwiblog, MandM, No Minister, No Right Turn, Not PC, Roar Prawn, Lolly Scramble, SOLO, The Standard, Born on State Highway One, Whale Oil, WHOAR! and Wonderful Now.

Come along, unwind, catch up and meet your favourite bloggers you never know who’ll turn up – The Prosblogion‘s Trent Dougherty will be there all the way from Waco, Texas.

What: Auckland Bloggers Drinks
When: Thursday 7 July, from 6.30pm
Where: Galbraith’s Alehouse, 2 Mt Eden Rd, Auckland
Who for: Bloggers, blog readers, blog trolls
What for: The talking of nonsense and telling of lies

RSVP on Facebook or just turn up.


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3 responses so far ↓

  • John Loftus has posed 5 questions to Matt that have remained unanswered for the past 3 days. I will reproduce them here and perhaps Matt will find the time to answer them in a post here. Best regards,. TAM

    1) Do you or do you not assume other religions shoulder the burden of proof? When you examine Islam, Orthodox Judaism, Hinduism, Scientology, Mormonism, Shintoism, Jainism, Haitian Voodoo, the John Frum Cargo Cult, Satanism, or the many African or Chinese tribal religions, do you think approaching them with faith is the way to test these religions, or would you agree with the OTF that a much fairer method is by assuming they all have the burden of proof, including your own?

    2) Do you or do you not think that a consistent standard invoking fairness is the best way to objectively come to know the correct religious faith, if there is one? If not, why the double standard?

    3) Do you or do you not think that if Christianity is true it should be detectably known and supported by the sciences to the exclusion of other false religious faiths?

    4) Do you or do you not admit that if you reject the OTF then your God did not make Christianity such that it would lead reasonable people who were born as outsiders to come to believe it, and as such, will be condemned to hell by virtue of where they were born? If not, and if outsiders can reasonably come to believe, then why is it that you think the OTF is incoherent?

    5) Do you or do you not have a better method for us to reasonably settle which religious faith is true, if there is one? If so, what is it?

  • Matt has seen these TAM but he has two conference papers to give next week and his sermon and critical thinking class to write plus piles and piles of marking he is behind on. I can’t even get him to write me some event blurbs for Thinking Matters at the moment and they are just a couple of paragraphs!

    These of Loftus’ questions are kind of frustrating given Matt has answered them over and over in the comments threads and in the posts on our blog. It is like Loftus has not noticed the answers or something. He just keeps repeating his special pleading call for everyone but people with his viewpoint to question their viewpoint.

    My understanding is that Paul Copan will be guest posting on this blog imminently and he will be addressing some of the questions Loftus and Avalos asked.

  • Thanks for the reply and sorry to comment off-topic. Hope you enjoyed your drinks.