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Video of Matthew Flannagan Speaking on Divine Command Theory

February 7th, 2011 by Madeleine

On 4 February 2011 the Auckland Reason and Science Society (“RSS”) hosted an event they titled “Divine Command Theory with Dr. Matthew Flannagan” at the University of Auckland. For those of you who missed the event, here is the video.

Note: This video only includes footage of the talk itself and not the Q&A that followed the talk.

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10 responses so far ↓

  • So basically what you are trying to say is that you can’t be good unless you believe in god? @.

  • M did you actually listen to the talk? He explicitly explained that there is a difference between epistemological necessity and ontological necessity, i.e. you cannot be good without God, however that doesn’t mean you have to believe in God in order to be good. I suggest listening to what he actually says.

  • Is my sense of humor too subtle… why do people always take an obvious jest so seriously!

  • Probably because blatantly missing the point is something of a habit for you.

  • *sigh*

    Not interested in another round of exchanging insults with someone I don’t know online. Sorry.

    It was a joke because Matt went to great lengths to explain that what I said was NOT what he meant – and yet I know that people will still turn around and say what I said.

    The smiley face should have given it away.

  • Jokes become so less funny when you have to explain them to people…

  • I thought it was funny M.

  • Worst Michael Keaton movie EVA!!!

  • Max, try the winking smiley. 😉

    It’s an easier way to get across that you’re kidding.

  • @ Matt:

    Is there a transcript of this talk. ?

    The angle of the video and the sound quality meant that I gave up as I found it difficult to follow.