This November the 2011 National Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (“EPS”) will be held in San Francisco, CA from November 16th-18th. The plenary speaker this year will be Dr Dallas Willard from the University of Southern California who will be speaking on moral epistemology.
Accordingly, a call for papers has been issued for papers focussing on issues pertaining to moral epistemology or moral theory more broadly construed (although other topics will be considered). After conferring with EPS President Dr Paul Copan, I have been advised that the EPS will accept my submission for consideration despite my lack of PhD, so this post confirms that both Matt and I have both officially submitted papers for blind review on our various areas of speciality. (We’ll be more specific as to our abstracts once we know whether we have been accepted or not; we need to respect the blind review process for now).
Fellow kiwi Dr Glenn Peoples, author of Say Hello to my Little Friend: The Beretta Blog and Podcast and frequent commenter on this blog, also hopes to be travelling with us and speaking at the EPS as well. I understand he too is putting together an abstract.
Matt’s visit to the cluster of Christian conferences held annually in the US each November, the annual meetings of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (“EPS”) the EPS Apologetics meeting, the Evangelical Theological Society (“ETS”) and the Society for Biblical Literature (“SBL”), were so profitable in terms of academic exposure, networking and even some fixed-term employment, committee opportunities and opportunities to publish that we intend to take the advice he was given, “if you want to work in Christian academia in the US then go to the EPS every single year until you are hired.”
So the first step will be getting through review!
Tags: Evangelical Philosophical Society · San Francisco7 Comments
Excellent. Hope to be there to meet you guys.
Awesome guys! I see you being powerful in your fields in the coming years and I expect your huge house in America will have a spare bed I can come crash on (as I’ve expressed in the past).
Apparently the opening ceremony this year will include a huge laser show. I really want to be there.
Why does it matter whether you have a phd or not if your paper is good enough? Can’t they just go on the merits of your paper, Maddy?
This spare bed, with the large house, sounds useful. Here’s hoping!
Assuming we get through peer review … I am so looking forward to meeting my US friends – will definitely be keen to catch up Machine.
We definitely plan to have a big house with room for our kiwi friends to crash.
Not sure about those lasers Richard, I had a good chuckle picturing it though!
The EPS is a professional society of Philosophers so I expected them to have some rules on the qualification front. The SBL states that if you have a PhD you just have to submit an abstract but if you do not have one you have to submit your entire paper for review. It is fair enough that they have some filters; I don’t want to fly to the other side of the world to hear mediocre papers so I don’t expect anyone else does either. Anyway, it turns out my Masters degree student status and passing peer review will suffice.
I’ve been following your work since I first met you at BCNZ, a little more often in the last year or so. For some reason this post has touched me deeply guys and I really wish you all the best with EPS and your careers. Watching a fellow Kiwi mixing and matching it on the world stage gives us all the ‘warm-fuzzies’. Remember that when knockers try to knock and you have future challenges. I trust that you both (and Glenn) all get through and can step up to the plate as you so wish! Go for it!!